![]() ![]() www.zzee.com | Support | You are here: Contents > 10. Templates > 10.2. Developing Templates > 10.2.3. ZZI2 Keywords and Constructs > MP3 ID3 Tags Implementation |
www.zzee.com | You are here: Contents > 10. Templates > 10.2. Developing Templates > 10.2.3. ZZI2 Keywords and Constructs > MP3 ID3 Tags Implementation |
The program supports both v1 (1.0 & 1.1) and v2 (2.3 & 2.4) ID3 tags. When the program reads the ID3 tags, it first tries to find v2 tags, and if they are not found, then v1 tags are used. Note, it depends on an author of a file which ID3 tags are set.
www.zzee.com | You are here: Contents > 10. Templates > 10.2. Developing Templates > 10.2.3. ZZI2 Keywords and Constructs > MP3 ID3 Tags Implementation > ID3 v2 implementation |
The program handles only ISO-8859-1 text strings, at the moment it skips UNICODE information. Compressed tags are not decoded.
If several values are encountered for the same tag type, then the last value is used, but there are some exceptions to this rule. Handling of some fields has its specifics:
The following information can be extracted from ID3 tags by the program:
Variable | ID3 | ID3 v2 tag | Type / Comment |
id3Title | 1.0 | TIT2 | String |
id3Artist | 1.0 | TPE1 | String |
id3Album | 1.0 | TALB | String |
id3Year | 1.0 | TYER / TDRC | String, 4 digits. |
id3Comment | 1.0 | COMM | String |
id3Track | 1.1 | TRCK | Integer, starting from 1. If not set then 0. |
id3Genre | 1.0 | TCON | String, resolved from a numeric value. |
id3StringGenre | 2.3 | TCON | String. |
id3Composer | 2.3 | TCOM | String |
id3TextWriter | 2.3 | TEXT | String |
id3ContentGroup | 2.3 | TIT1 | String |
id3Subtitle | 2.3 | TIT3 | String |
id3Band | 2.3 | TPE2 | String |
id3Conductor | 2.3 | TPE3 | String |
id3MCDI | 2.3 | MCDI | String |
id3ISRC | 2.3 | ISRC | String |
id3BPM | 2.3 | TBPM | String |
id3Length | 2.3 | TLEN | String |
id3Copyright | 2.3 | WCOP | String |
id3UFID | 2.3 | UFID | String |
id3AudioFileWebpage | 2.3 | WOAF | String |
id3ArtistWebpage | 2.3 | WOAR | String |
id3AudioSourceWebpage | 2.3 | WOAS | String |
id3RadioStation | 2.3 | TRSN | String |
id3RadioStationWebpage | 2.3 | WORS | String |
id3PublishersWebpage | 2.3 | WPUB | String |
id3Version | Integer. Version of the ID3 tag of the file. | ||
id3Subversion | Integer. Subversion of the ID3 tag of the file. | ||
id3EncodedBy | 2.3 | TENC | String |
id3OriginalArtist | 2.3 | TOPE | String |
id3Publisher | 2.3 | TPUB | String |
id3UnsyncLyrics | 2.3 | USLT | String |
id3CommercialURL | 2.3 | WCOM | String |
id3URL | 2.3 | WXXX | String |
Please see the description of all tags at ID3 website: http://www.id3.org.