PHP Windows Installation

Author: Paul Slavic

Dreamed of a Windows PHP installation that will serve your PHP files out of the box?

Old situation

What do you need to be able to run your PHP script in Windows? First, you need a webserver, and it must be on and running. Second, the PHP must be installed and integrated with it. Then you need to type script's full URL into a webbrowser... A lot to do for a simple task?

But what if you have no network connections available, for example, if you work on a laptop on the go? Familiar situation, isn't it? You won't be able to test your PHP scripts, even if the webserver is on your computer, because recent versions of Windows first see if a network connection is present and just then enable TCP/IP. So you can't connect even to "localhost" or to "". Time wasted?

Another possibility you could be looking for, is the ability to launch PHP scripts located anywhere in the filesystem. Even if you have a webserver on your computer, you can run only PHP scripts that are located in its document root or aliases. So, to tests a script, you have to move it to one of those directories. Why can't it work right away?

After Script GUI

Script GUI for PHP addresses all of these issues, and gives the possibility to run your PHP scripts in the "web" context from anywhere on your computer. You double-click on a PHP file, it loads into the webbrowser and the webserver executes it. You don't have to type any URLs. You even don't have to bother with webserver settings or hassle with connecting PHP to it. You just install Script GUI and it is able to serve your PHP files out of the box. There are no security concerns related to a webserver on your computer. Script GUI is a total solution to running PHP scipts on Windows in GUI mode.


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